
Welcome to my wine blog. I am very simply an amateur wine enthusiast who wants to share some of that enthusiasm with the world. My intention is to write on any wine related topic that takes my fancy. I will review wines, discuss wine news, and report on tasting visits to wineries.

In reviews I will not score the wines on a point scale. I will just give my tasting notes and my general thoughts on the wine. Also my own personal preferences will probably come to the forefront. I have a real passion for Alsace and Loire wines, Sauternes, Greek wines, and obscure grape varieties. As I am currently located in the non-wine producing country of Northern Ireland, some posts will obviously focus on the wine scene in this region.

I hope you will enjoy my posts, and I would like to encourage readers to leave comments. Part of the fun of wine is discussing it, so feel free to voice your opinions.

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